Let's Talk About Dandruff

The term dandruff is typically used to describe flakes caused specifically by an oily scalp (or even a mild case of seborrheic dermatitis). It’s often coupled with constant greasy roots and it’s easy to fall into the trap of either over-shampooing or causing a build-up of dry shampoo. If you find yourself experiencing dandruff there are a few things you can do to get your scalp back on a healthy track.

1. Detoxify Your Scalp

It’s important to begin with a clean slate. Sometimes the sweat and hair follicles at our scalp clog with hair products and dead skin (yuck!), so it’s imperative that we detoxify them periodically. A good clarifying shampoo will remove any build-up present, and our favorite is MAXI.WASH by Kevin Murphy. MAXI.WASH uses salicylic acid (an ingredient common in skin care) to gently exfoliate both the hair and the scalp. It’s important to apply MAXI.WASH liberally to the hair from roots to ends and let it sit for five minutes. Rinse thoroughly and make sure to follow with your usual shampoo and conditioner. Do not apply any products near the scalp. Depending on your routine, you may not need to clarify too often, and MAXI.WASH comes in the perfect one-time-use size ​here​ for $7.

2. Wait 24 Hours and Assess Your Scalp

Wait a full 24 hours and see what your scalp is doing with no products. If your scalp is extremely oily and you're fighting the urge to dry shampoo, then Dandruff is definitely the culprit. It’s important to take a long hard look at your hair products, and reassess. It’s a good idea to cut out anything that contains artificial silicones and switch to a shampoo and conditioner designed to balance sebum. We recommend ​Treatment Shampoo​ and C​onditioner​ by RPM. RPM uses CBD oil which acts directly on the follicles that produce sebum, leveling oil products regardless if they’re over or under-producing. Of course, we always recommend you share your results with your stylist so we can help you perfect your routine.

If your scalp feels normal or dry read on

Sometimes flakes at the scalp are simply caused by dry skin. Often, environmental factors- hard or salt water, dry climates, change in season, etc. - can be what’s causing our scalp to dry to the point of flaking. It’s important to note that our regime, much like our skin care routine, might change seasonally based on our hair and scalp needs. During the winter months, our skin and hair require more moisture. If you have hard water or live on a well, it might be a good idea to look for a shower filter; If you frequently swim in salt or chlorine water, your hair may need to be clarified more often.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to us in between appointments and ask for recommendations, we’re always happy to help!